“Oh wait”,
“Hold on”,
“Please wait in the line”,
“Sorry for the delay”,
“Your call is very important to us, please wait"
Ever heard of these lines anywhere. These are everyday language, used for only one purpose “the wait”
Every other day or night, you either wait for someone or make others wait for you. It happens all the time, waiting for someone definitely irritates anyone, well it’s not much of a disturbance when you make others wait (few exceptions here n there) but ultimately, waiting is a damn boring thing to do, its kills a lot of things, like patience, sanity and mood, but time always survives the kill and in turn taunts at us by moving at a very slow pace. The slowest of sloths will appear to be fast during the period of wait.
There are various degrees and situations of the wait. I have tried to categorize it into 6 types. There may be more to add to the taxonomy but am sure these are major cases.
I’ve also given them a degree of wait on a score of 5. This tells you the level of wait, a human soul can bear on a regular basis.
Without further adieu,
Here are real life situations of 'the wait'
1. The call

You would have definitely been in this situation at least a dozen times or more in your life. You might have experienced in a job interview, hospitals, banks, or even in an airport, where a system is followed. Here there’s no simply waiting, You give your most attention to the person on the radio or intercom; spend a little to a lot of minutes focused with sharp hearing sense that could beat a dog at that point of time. You wait and wait with sweat and tears not to miss the call of your name, number or a flight. Then your adrenaline kicks in, like it’s the end of the world and you run for it. Most times, it’s very clumsy and you tend to irritate fellow waiters who didn't get the call.
The time of wait in this situation is undefined, since it depends on your luck and sometimes logic. Like in job interviews, suppose your name starts with A, then its damn sweet and short wait, but then... if its somewhere in V, W.. Then it’s going to be a long day..! Luck favors when your flight or train arrives on time, you get a free teller at the bank etc...!
It’s definitely worth waiting on this one.
Degree of wait: 3/5
2. The girl

This is a lifetime full of experience for boys and men, the wait for women to get ready and during shopping. Each and every man would have experienced this wait many times (unless, you were an orphan and gay at same time). This type of wait is the most boring and quite painful wait, a man could experience in his lifetime. It’s a wait that you can never avoid or get out. Women, they take forever to get ready to go out and then if its shopping, it’s a whole days work to get one apparel. They make you wait, ask for your comments now and then, but never agree to what you say, even when it’s complimentary. Then choose something, which another person likes and demands for it.
This wait situation is unavoidable and undeniably the torturous wait for a man. But men can survive this by doing a bit of bird watching or little bit of shopping for them.
No luck or logic can change this, you got to be there for the lady, if you want her to be with you. It sometimes helps, if you are a free will who donates credit cards and is unlimitedly rich.
Not really the worth the wait.
Degree of wait: 2.5/5.
3. The help

This situation is likely to be the most dangerous one. It’s basically the wait for an emergency help. When you have met with an accident, held at gun point during a theft, or if your house is on fire etc... All these situations are a matter of life and death and every second is precious. this wait is definitely nerve wrecking and occasionally there's a loss, but definitely no gain, cos you are already in buried in shit before this wait situation occurs.
This wait situation is definitely not a frequent one and the experiences are a lifetime story moment. It’s a very anxious and exciting wait you have before emergency arrives.
There’s no way that you can escape this wait.
Degree of wait: 5/5
4. The digital

Have you ever waited on the phone call trying to call a customer care help line? Then you know what am talking about. The most modern of waits are of the digital world and it’s quite similar to 'the call' situation. A lot of technology was developed in communication for making it faster, easier and to provide minimal wait, but still this wait time can lead to a lot of anger management therapy. Emails, sms, IM, chats... all these digital/online forms of communication are causes for the digital wait.
Of course, all Internet users have experienced this... especially in good old days of dial up connection. you wait for 8 minutes for a web page to open up then sending an email would take another 15 minutes but even in this modern era of super fast speeds, things could get little complicated.. for example: when you are in chat with someone, you ask a question and they take forever to reply or they type n type but never send the msg ( happens a lot and chat bar shows " x is typing" ) and later send something irrelevant to the conversation, it’s definitely a reason to get pissed off for the unnecessary wait. Same goes with emails, sms.
It’s not worth the wait, unless it’s urgent.
Degree of wait: 1/5
5. The leak

I am not quite sure how this wait situation affects women, but men surely know what am talking about. Have you ever wanted to go urgent to take a nature's call, leak or plain ol' piss, and had to wait in line since someone else was in the restroom before you. That wait is almost equal to water boarding... cos when the going gets tough, the tough has to get going... else there can be a lot of physical pain and public embarrassment.
Definitely a situation where waiting is bad.
Degree of wait: 4.5/5
6. The Love

The topic about waiting is never complete without the wait for love. Since ancient times till near future times, the wait for love has been in the hearts for ages. It has been described in every form of media possible and still to date haunts the minds of millions. This wait is deadly, you express your love for someone or propose for a marriage, and then the time they take to decide, even if it’s seconds, that wait would kill you. Worst, when they take a whole truckload of time. The wait for love situation would be experienced by everyone in need of love. It’s the only wait which can go for an eternal time, without having to know the consequence and the deadliest of all waits, even though it actually kills you in only a few cases.
Hey its love, how can I ever say it’s not worth it, it’s totally, completely and 100% worth the wait.
Degree of wait: 5/5
I am sure everyone would have experienced at least one or all of these excruciating times of wait in your life. There’s always some kinda wait for every one of us.
Remember that ‘Time’ isn't punctual every time and there's no gain without a little pain. So the wait is definitely worth, to know the consequence.
LIFE, It’s like a murder mystery, you need to wait till the end to know the killer else it becomes boring.
If you have any funny, crazy or awkward wait moments in your life, please feel free to express it in the comments section below.